



I. The Postdoc Field


By the time they approach their defense, some people have a clear idea of the scientific field within which they'd like to do research. Others, like me, might have wide-ranging interests or simply more than one interest that they've struggled to choose from. Once again, that is okay! You don't need to know precisely what your career-long research interests are at this stage.


So, how do you identify the ideas and research direction that interest you? There are multiple ways of doing this:


Go to conferences. Try to attend conferences during you final year or two of PhD with the intention of being exposed to new ideas and meeting new people. This might be your field's regular flagship meeting (for example in neuroscience that would be

SfN), or smaller, more intimate conferences (e.g. GRCs or Keystone Symposia).


Read papers. You're a scholar, an academic, you've been reading papers for several years at this point, so why is it a suggestion here? It's to remind you that if you've mainly been reading papers within your narrow field, and if you feel like you might want to branch out in your postdoc, you should take the time to expand the scope of your reading. If you read a paper you thought was cool, make a note of the lab.


Use your network: Are there PIs around you whose opinion you value? Have a chat with them and ask for suggestions. They don't even need to be PIs, have conversations with students and postdocs around you about scientific ideas. One advantage of talking to PIs within a field you're interested in is that they might actually have personal relationships with prospective mentors you might consider, and they can either make an introduction for you or at least provide you with some inside info about that lab's scientific vision and working culture. I will make a plug here for some outstanding humans I know, some of whom are hiring. If you are interested in their work, check out their labs!


The bird app: You can actually find useful information on twitter (wild, right?) and lovely scientific communities. If you're an outsider to a field but have some questions or are interested in seeing some of the discourse by those researchers, twitter can be helpful. Many scientists will jump in to answer your question even if they don't know you. You'll also see PIs announce jobs with some info about projects involved. I have a particular affinity for those who post not only what they hope a postdoc candidate offers, but also what they have to offer the postdoc in terms of mentorship and support. There's of course no quick and structured way to enter academic twitter other than to just make an account and follow different people until you find the content you want, so this bullet point  is more helpful if you already happen to be on the website.

推特:你实际上可以在推特和美好的科学社区上找到有用的信息。如果你是一个领域的外行,但有一些问题或有兴趣看看这些研究人员讨论的内容,推特可能会有所帮助。许多科学家都愿意回答你的问题,即使他们不认识你。你还会看到PI在推特上公布工作机会,并提供有关项目的一些信息。我特别喜欢那些在不仅发布他们希望博士后候选人提供的条件,还提供他们为博士后提供的指导和支持信息的人。当然,除了创建一个账户并并关注不同的人,直到你找到所需的内容,没有快速和结构化的方式进入学术推特。如果你已经碰巧在网站上, 那么,这个建议可能会更有帮助。