


We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to study molecular mechanisms of cell death in stroke and brain injury. The research project is focused on understanding how glycolytic and mitochondrial functions are altered in brain tissue following injury.
Competitive candidates should have recently graduated with a PhD or MD/PhD degree and have substantial laboratory training in biochemistry, molecular/cellular biology and neuroscience. Candidates with a proven track record of scientific productivity, commitment to biomedical research and excellent communication skills are encouraged to apply. Salary will follow NIH scale. Applicants should email a cover letter summarizing background and interests, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to:

Shaida A Andrabi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Institute for Cell Engineering, Department of Neurology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
733 N Broadway # 773 Baltimore MD 21205
Email: sandrabi@jhmi.edu, sandrab1@jhmi.edu