



卢森堡大学位于卢森堡,建于1969年,地址:162 avenue de Ia Fayencerie,Luxembourg。分设德、英、法语三种语言教学,学年10月-6月。 设有文学和人文科学委员法学与经济学委员会、科学学委员会,教师培训部、法律训部等。卢森堡大学正式成立于2003年,地址:2, avenue de l'Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette。在卢森堡境内设有Belval、Limpertsberg和Kirchberg三个校区以及一些单独的研究所,其中Belval校区为行政部门所在地。根据泰晤士世界大学2018年排名,卢森堡大学世界排名179位,世界年轻大学排名11位。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Biology

University of Luxembourg

The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Luxembourg. We conduct fundamental and translational research in the field of Systems Biology and Biomedicine – in the lab, in the clinic and in silico. We focus on neurodegenerative processes and are especially interested in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and their contributing factors.

The LCSB recruits talented scientists from various disciplines: computer scientists, mathematicians, biologists, chemists, engineers, physicists and clinicians from more than 50 countries currently work at the LCSB. We excel because we are truly interdisciplinary and together we contribute to science and society.

Successful candidates will join the Computational Biology group, led by Prof. Antonio del Sol, which develops computational models to address challenges in stem cell research and disease modeling. We employ methodologies from different areas of mathematics, engineering, and physics, and integrate multiple sources of biological information to study biological processes at different levels of organization. For more information, please visit our website.

Your Role...

The selected candidate shall develop multiscale single cell-based computational models of intra-and intercellular regulation and communication to design strategies for cell rejuvenation. In particular, the research will be focused on the neural system with the principal aim of designing strategies for the rejuvenation of the aging brain.

The project will be conducted in close collaboration with Prof. Michael Heneka at the LCSB, who will also conduct the experimental validation of thecomputational predictions.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Antonio del Sol (email address: antonio.delsol@uni.lu). Use the job title and reference number mentioned above in the subject line of your email.

What we expect from you…

Ph.D. degree in computational biology, bioinformatics, biology, computer science or related disciplines

Strong computational skills (demonstrable project in the relevant field)

A strong first-author publication record in the relevant field

Excellent working knowledge in English

Ideal skills:

A record of first-author publications in the fields of bioinformatics and/or computational biology

Prior experience in mathematical modeling of biological networks
