



乌普萨拉大学(英文:Uppsala University),是坐落于瑞典古都乌普萨拉市的一所欧洲知名综合研究型大学,是拥有500余年历史的北欧地区的第一所大学。该校是科英布拉集团、欧洲研究型大学协会、昴宿星大学联盟、瑞日Mirai成员。

乌普萨拉大学于1477年由雅各布·乌尔夫松(Jacob Ulvsson)创立。其校友涵盖诺贝尔奖创立者阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,著名物理化学家阿伦尼乌斯,前联合国秘书长道格·哈马绍,Skype创始人尼可拉斯·曾斯特罗姆等众多世界知名人物。截至2022年,该校共有16位校友及教职工曾获得诺贝尔奖,是拥有诺贝尔奖得主和瑞典皇家科学院院士校友最多的瑞典大学。同时,乌普萨拉大学图书馆是瑞典全国最大的图书馆。

Postdoctoral position in condensed matter theory

Uppsala University

Research area and duties The postdoctoral researcher is expected to perform theoretical investigations as well as to do computationally-based modelling within the research area of materials physics, with a special focus on modelling of electrically induced spin and orbital torques, theory for light-induced spin and orbital currents, current-induced spin dynamics and modeling of electrically induced magnetization dynamics in spintronic elements. The research tasks include the development of theoretical models and computer simulation programs to simulate non-equilibrium orbital and spin currents and their dynamics in antiferromagnetic and topological spintronic materials that have a significant potential for applications in future energy-saving spintronic elements. Various computer programs (like first-principles (DFT) calculations and simulations of coupled spin and orbital dynamics) will be used. In the project that is headed by Prof. Peter Oppeneer the candidate is offered the possibility to work in an exciting modern research area in condensed matter physics and will have opportunities to interact and collaborate with leading experimental and theoretical groups as well as industry.

This recruitment is connected to the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE, wise-materials.org). WISE, funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, is the largest-ever investment in materials science in Sweden and will encompass major efforts at Sweden's foremost universities over the course of 10 years. The vision is a sustainable future through materials science. Read more: https: // wise-materials.org.

All early-stage researchers recruited into the WISE program will be a part of the WISE Graduate School, https: // wise-materials.org/research/graduate- school/, an ambitious nationwide program of seminars, courses, research visits, and other activities to promote a strong multi-disciplinary and international network between PhD students, postdocs, researchers, and industry.

Requirements The applicant is expected to have a PhD degree in theoretical or computational physics. The degree needs to be obtained by the time of the decision of employment. Those who have obtained a PhD degree three years prior to the application deadline are primarily considered for the employment. The starting point of the three-year frame period is the application deadline. Due to special circumstances, the degree may have been obtained earlier. The three-year period can be extended due to circumstances such as sick leave, parental leave, duties in labour unions, etc. The applicant is further expected to have excellent capabilities to perform research, as demonstrated through publications in peer-reviewed journals. Good communication skills both orally and in written English, and also the ability to work independently, are required.

Additional qualifications The applicant is further expected to be strongly motivated and a strong background in theoretical and condensed matter physics is desirable. Experience with large-scale computer simulations is also desirable, as well as the ability to perform computer code development.

About the employment The employment is a temporary position of 2 years according to central collective agreement. Scope of employment 100 %. Starting date 1st of June 2023 or as agreed. Placement: Uppsala, Sweden.

Application The application should consist of a cover letter, CV, publication list, certificates of relevant degrees, an outline of the PhD thesis and a short research statement describing the applicant's research experiences and interests. The applicant should also include the names of at least two reference persons.

For further information about the position, please contact: Prof. Peter Oppeneer, peter.oppeneer@physics.uu.se, phone +46 709 604016

Please submit your application by 14 april 2023, UFV-PA 2023/467.
