


Position: Postdoctoral Scholar in Cardiovascular Medicine, UCLA

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the Sallam Lab in the Department of Medicine at UCLA to study the contributions of noncoding genes in cardiometabolic diseases. The Lab studies transcription factor regulatory circuits and their influence in common metabolic disorders such as dyslipidemia, obesity and atherosclerosis.

This is an entry-level position and candidates should not be beyond 1-2 year of completion of their PhD training. A strong foundation in molecular and cell biology is essential. Experience working with mice is preferred and ability to analyze highthroughput data is a plus. Our recent work shows that lncRNAs act as important conduits between diet and gene expression. Ideal candidate should have experience and motivation to pursue this line of investigation. Strong communication skills and references are also required. Please send CV to Tamer Sallam. 
Contact Person: Dr. Tamer Sallam MD, PhD (tsallam@mednet.ucla.edu)