赫尔辛基大学(芬兰文:Helsingin yliopisto;瑞典文:Helsingfors universitet;英文:University of Helsinki),简称UH,是位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基的一所大学,全球大学高研院联盟、同一个欧洲大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。在校生人数约有40000人,包括近5500名博士研究生。赫尔辛基大学下辖农业与林业学院、艺术学院、行为科学学院、生物科学学院、法学院、医学院、药学院、科学学院、社会科学学院、瑞典社会科学学院、神学院、兽医学院等十二个学院。
Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology/Biochemistry
University of Helsinki - Institute of Biotechnology
Helsinki, Finland
The successful applicant will join a project funded by the Research Council of Finland to investigate the micronutrient scavenging mechanisms of pathogenic fungi. They will focus on the structural and functional characterization of membrane protein complexes involved in zinc scavenging.
About the position
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with a background in molecular biology, protein expression and protein purification, as well as experience in structural biology. Experience of single particle cryo-EM or working with membrane proteins is highly desirable but not required. The ideal candidate should have strong interpersonal skills, be able to work collaboratively in a team and be adaptable to the different types of tasks and techniques throughout the project. They should also have excellent communication skills in English.
Further degree requirement for postdoctoral position: The degree requirement must be met by the beginning of the employment.