



捷克理工大学(英语:Czech Technical University in Prague),位于捷克首都布拉格,是中欧地区最古老的理工大学,也是代表捷克工程水平最高的大学。

Postdoctoral Research Position In Repetitions In Morphic Languages Generated By A Recognizable Morphism

Universities and Institutes of Czech

Job Information


Czech Technical University in Prague

Research Field

Mathematics » Discrete mathematics

Researcher Profile

Recognised Researcher (R2)

Established Researcher (R3)

Leading Researcher (R4)


Czech Republic

Application Deadline

15 Jun 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Prague)

Type of Contract


Job Status


Hours Per Week


Offer Starting Date

1 Jul 2023

Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme

Reference Number


Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) now offers a new fellowship program, the CTU Global Postdoc Fellowship. This new and attractive two-year fellowship-program offers excellent researchers who have recently completed their PhD the chance to continue their research career at CTU. Fellows receive a two year fellowship and become members of a team led by a mentor. The fellowship aims at external international scientists who are currently conducting research abroad. Applicants must have completed their PhD within the last seven years (eg. 2016 or later). The fellowship aims at authors (co-authors) of three or more publications in a journal with IF.

Recognizable, or circular, morphisms are defined by the existence of a bound on length of factors they generate (in the terms of an D0L-system or HD0L-system) which, when attained, allows a unique preimage to be found. This bound is thus useful in many algorithm working with languages generated by a morphism, including the known algorithm to calculate the larges exponent that appears in such language for non-erasing morphisms. This research topic plans to entail on this problematic by analyzing the relation of existence of repetitions in such a language and recognizability/circularity of morphism with the goal of understanding maximal (critical) exponent in such a language and its infimum, possible over a some specific class of morphic languages, such as generated by uniform or bifix-free morphisms.
