

Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).


Specific research areas for the positions include the study of evolved stars, pulsar astrometry, numerical radiative transfer, nearby galaxies, AGN/starbursts and high-z galaxy formation and evolution. Research at Chalmers has a strong tradition in radio, (sub-)millimeter and infrared wavelength observations, and we encourage applications from a wide variety of astronomical backgrounds. The postdocs will also be able to carry out his/her own research in collaboration with affiliated group members, which includes a number of PhD students. At least one postdoc position will be offered within the Nordic ARC node, hosted at the Onsala Swedish National Facility for Radio Astronomy, and will therefore include a fraction of his/her time supporting ALMA observations within the ARC node network. For further information contact Dr. Wouter Vlemmings (evolved stars/pulsars/radiative transfer/ARC), Prof. Hans Olofsson (evolved stars), Prof. Susanne Aalto (nearby galaxies/AGN/starbursts) or Dr. Kirsten Kraiberg Knudsen (AGN/starbursts/high-z). Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. There is the possibility for participating in supervising undergraduate, master's and/or PhD students.