

Research Associate in First-Principles Geochemical Studies of Aqueous Fluids Under Pressure : London, United Kingdom

UCL Earth Sciences

Research Associate in First-Principles Geochemical Studies of Aqueous Fluids Under Pressure

Full Time :

The appointment will be on UCL Grade 7. The salary range will be £33,353 – £40,313 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.

The post focuses on simulating carbonated aqueous fluids under pressure using first-principles molecular dynamics in order to better understand mantle fluids.

The post is funded by the European Research Council Advanced Grant ToMCaT (Theory of Mantle, Core, and Technological Materials, http://www.ucl.ac.uk/earth-sciences/research/tomcat) for two years in the first instance. This position is in collaboration with the Deep Carbon Observatory (https://deepcarbon.net), the Thomas Young Centre (http://www.thomasyoungcentre.org) and the London Centre for Nanotechnology (https://www.london-nano.com).

The appointment will be part of the ERC Advanced Investigator project ToMCAT (Theory of Mantle, Core and Technological Materials), which will constrain properties of a wide range of materials and search for new useful materials. The post focuses on simulating carbonated aqueous fluids under pressure using first-principles molecular dynamics in order to better understand mantle fluids.

The post is funded by the European Research Council for two years in the first instance.

Applicants will have a PhD, or thesis submitted and subject to examination, in a physical science. Experience with first-principles density functional theory methods, community electronic structure codes such as ABINIT or quantum espresso, thorough knowledge of chemical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics is essential. Experience with first-principles molecular dynamics and high performance computing is desirable.

For further details about the vacancy and how to apply online please go to http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search on Reference Number 1430303

If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact Prof. Ronald Cohen, ronald.cohen@ucl.ac.uk.

Closing Date: 30 September 2014