

Positions in neurobiology : Tel Aviv, Israel

We are seeking for highly motivated young scientists interested in molecular and neuronal mechanisms of mood disorders and related drug actions. The study will be performed at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology in Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Rewarding conditions will be offered to suitable candidates.
Two positions are open:
1) Postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in electrophysiology, preferably in single neurons and/or brain slices. Background in GPCR/G protein signaling, AND/OR kinetic modeling of cellular and enzymatic processes, is an advantage.
2) Ph.D. candidate with a background similar to the above, OR in cell and Ca2+ imaging in living cells.
Please send your CV, cover letter and suggestions for references to Prof. Nathan Dascal dascaln@post.tau.ac.il. …