


School of Energy, Environment and Agrifood
Department of Agrifood

Research Fellow in Applied Agri-Informatics
£30,542 to £34,042 per annum - Fixed term contract for 36 months

The School is recruiting a Research Fellow in Applied Agri-Informatics to support the work of Dr Rob Simmons, Dr Ron Corstanje and Dr Steve Hallett. This Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council funded post is working on an Agri-Tech Catalyst project entitled, “Soil-for-life Beta: Optimising Big Data to Drive Sustainable Intensification”. The post will involve the design and management of an Information Management System, (Agri) Informatics, data modelling and will support the development of a user informatics toolkit.

AgriFood has been a key strategic theme at Cranfield University for over 40 years. This has now been recognised by the establishment of the Department of Agri-food. We have internationally recognised expertise across both domestic and international food supply chains, from primary food production and inputs through to point of sale and waste reduction/utilisation. Cranfield is the national centre for the investigation of soils within England and Wales and houses the National Soils Archive and the World Soil Survey Archive and Catalogue.

As part of this project, you will work within an interdisciplinary team comprising of soil scientists, database managers, agronomists, informaticists and will be jointly responsible for writing academic papers and participating in project meetings. You will present information on research progress and outcomes, communicate complex information, orally, in writing and electronically and prepare proposals and applications to external bodies.

You will have a PhD in a cognate research area, principally numerical modelling of soil/agricultural or natural systems or related discipline.  You should have proven experience in modelling of crop, environmental, soil and/or agricultural systems and numerical methods. Working in interdisciplinary environments, good contextual understanding of soil and agricultural systems, the ability to work in the field, and a track record of scientific publication is desirable.  You must have knowledge of modelling, statistical analysis, spatial processes and informatics approaches, as well as be skilled in numerical process modelling, computer programming, GIS/Remote sensing, technical writing and data-fusion methods.

Closing date for receipt of applications: 29 August 2014,Interviews to be held in week commencing: 8 September 2014.