


European Research Council PhD Studentships 2014-2015

Suicide, Accidents and Violence in Young People

The University of Manchester -Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health

‘Understanding the determinants of suicidal behaviour, serious accidents and violence in young people’

The Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health invites applications for two prestigious European Research Council (ERC) funded PhD studentships commencing during 2014-2015. These PhD training opportunities are of direct relevance to statisticians, epidemiologists and quantitative health sciences researchers seeking to direct their experience into applied mental health settings.

Both PhD positions will seek to identify risk factors common across a set of adverse outcomes relating to self-destructive, hazardous and violent behaviour in young people, as well as those specific to particular outcomes. Direct comparisons of these outcomes have rarely been made within the same study cohort.

The research will be conducted in partnership with the internationally renowned National Centre for Register-based Research (NCRR), University of Aarhus, Denmark. Utilising an expansive array of interlinked cohort data on Danish births (1980 – 1996) the PhDs will assess a range of potential individual-level, parental and familial risk factors for attempted and completed suicide, violent offending and accidental death/injury. The successful candidates will be tasked with conducting nested epidemiological studies based on rigorous and representative population-based sampling procedures with the aim of establishing indications of causality. The resulting analysis holds significant promise to influence mental health practice and interventions targeted at this vulnerable group.

Whilst the application of the research is mental health, both PhDs are statistically driven, involving the manipulation, analysis and interpretation of large and complex datasets. For this reason, candidates must hold (or be due to obtain) a Masters-level qualification in statistics, bio/health informatics, epidemiology or related quantitative health sciences area. Psychologists with experience of advanced quantitative methods and analysing large datasets are also encouraged. Candidates are also expected to have obtained a relevant undergraduate degree at minimum upper-second classification.

Given the regularity of visits to NCRR, candidates must also be able to commit to the significant travel requirements.

Each PhD will be funded over 3-years, providing a tax-free stipend at UK Research Council rates (£13,863 in 2014/15) plus full coverage of fees and research/travel expenses. Accommodation costs during the periods spent at NCRR will also be fully met. The start date for both projects is flexible, but will fall within the period September 2014-September 2015 based on the requirements of the investigators and the preferences of the successful applicants.

Upon completion, there would be considerable scope for career progression into post-doctoral roles in epidemiology, health services research, biostatistics or bio-informatics.

Applicants should submit the following information to the ERC project lead, Dr Roger Webb (roger.webb@manchester.ac.uk):

  • CV
  • Academic degree transcripts
  • Covering statement (maximum 450 words) outlining suitability for a PhD in this area, relevant experience and what you hope to achieve as a result of the training.
  • A brief summary (300 words) of a journal article of relevance to this research area. Include a reference to the publication (title, journal, year), summarise why it is of relevance to this ERC funded study and identify how the findings could be further developed.
  • Contact details for two referees.

Any enquiries relating to the PhDs, training arrangements and suitability should be directed to Dr Webb. Deadline for applications: Monday 28 April 2014



