



An exciting postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Jun Li’s lab in Neurology Department in McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Our research aims to identify biological targets for the development of future treatments in stroke patients. Currently, we have several NIH funded projects including the neuronal and astrocytic interaction in CNS axonal regeneration and calcium-mediated endogenous neuroprotection following a stroke.

We routinely utilize stroke models in rodents and in vitro models using cell culture (microglia, neurons, endothelium and astrocytes et al.). State of art facilities and research technology in our lab also include two-photon imaging system, confocal imaging system, axonal culture, neurite in vivo imaging, cell-specific gene knockout mouse models, flow cytometry, aged stroke models and lentiviral gene delivery system.

​The candidate is expected to have PhD in neuroscience or related fields and experience in cell culture, molecular biology or microsurgery in rodents. Please submit by e-mail a cover letter and curriculum vitae to Dr. Jun Li at jun.li.3@uth.tmc.edu.