


Post-doctoral Fellow : Palo Alto, CA, United States

Post-doctoral Fellow Position at Stanford University School of Medicine: Generation and Characterization of Genome Engineered Mice

A post-doctoral fellow with a strong background in generating and characterizing genome engineered mice is needed to work with a multi-disciplinary team to identify genetic factors contributing to susceptibility to drug addiction. This multi-center (UO1) project uses computational genetic methods to analyze the responses of inbred strain panel to multiple drugs of abuse.

The position requires:

-Ph.D. with a very strong research background that includes evidence of the successful
generation and characterization of genome-engineered mice.

-Knowledge of molecular biology and genetics

-Neurobiology experience is preferred

To apply, please submit the following to gpeltz@stanford.edu:

1. A CV that emphasizes your experience and accomplishments with the generation and characterization of genome engineered mice.

2. The names of two individuals that can serve as references…