

来源:知识人网 www.zsr.cc


能源材料化学协同创新中心(Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, 简称“协同中心,iChEM”)由厦门大学牵头,以“2011计划”总体精神为指导,联合复旦大学、中国科学技术大学和中国科学院大连化学物理研究所(或统称“三校一所”)共同建设。“高等学校创新能力提升计划(简称2011计划)” 由中华人民共和国教育部和中华人民共和国财政部共同研究制定并联合实施,是继“211工程”、“985工程”之后,中国高等教育系统又一项体现国家意志的重大战略举措。2014年底,iChEM通过教育部和财政部联合认证正式晋级国家队,成为是我国在能源化学领域惟一、化学领域之一(化学领域仅有两个)的“2011中心”。






协同中心现 常年面向全球招收 iChEM Fellow/博士后,我们诚挚地欢迎您加盟!



1. 年龄在38周岁(含)以下,身心健康。

2. 近3年在国内外知名高校/院所获博士学位,掌握扎实的专业基础知识,具备优秀的科研素质、创新精神和团队协作精神,研究背景和研究计划符合中心开展协同研究和发展目标。




1. 碳资源优化利用

2. 能源存储与转化

3. 能源新材料研究

4. 能源体系表征

5. 太阳能利用与转化

6. X-研究分平台(新功能材料的发现;反应动力学的突破;生命过程中的能源转化;前瞻性探索研究的培育)




1. 个人简历和反映科研能力、水平和潜力的自我评估报告;

2. 研究计划(应体现多单位的导师协同指导);

3. 2-3封专家推荐信(须包括博士期间导师,若已从事过博士后研究,须加合作导师推荐信);

4. 身份证明、学历学位证明、代表性成果及其他有助于申请的材料。




1. iChEM Fellow/博士后实行分档年薪,iChEM Fellow特别优秀者可突破30万(税前);iChEM博士后年薪标准不低于17万(税前);

2. 支持参加国内外学术会议;

3. 提供iChEM Fellow/博士后周转公寓或租房补贴;

4. iChEM Fellow/博士后子女按所在单位教职工子女同等待遇办理入园、入学;

5. 推荐优秀iChEM Fellow/博士后留校任教。









iChEM Fellow/Postdoctoral Researcher Application

The Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM) was jointly founded in September 2012 by Xiamen University (XMU), Fudan University (FDU), the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), under the framework of the “Collaborative Innovation Program” of the Ministries of Education (MOE) and Finance of China (MOF), also known as the “2011-Plan” as launched in 2011 succeeding the widely-known National “211-Project” and “985-Project”.


To address the national strategic needs for energy, the iChEM center (http://www.2011-ichem.org) intends to establish a world-class discipline of energy chemistry that converge several conventional subjects including chemistry, energy and material sciences. Driven by the idea “chemistry as the basis, materials as the carrier, energy as the objective”, the center has strived to bring together the most talented scientists from the four pillar institutes to create a highly competitive platform at the international level that fosters collaboration and innovation. There are 11 members of the CAS (MCAS), 11 “Thousand Talents Program” awardees, 16 “Changjiang” scholars, 36 “National Distinguished Young Scientist Grant” awardees in the center. The center also have successfully operated fifteen key laboratories at either national or state level, and three out of six highest ranking state key laboratories in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The four pillar institutes have published many highly impact research papers in top international journals, and particularly the number of publications in Science, Nature and Nature family journals is ranked top among all Chinese universities/institutes.The centre encourages the development of international cooperation and exchange schemes; many collaborative links has been established with world-renowned research institutes abroad and over fifteen outstanding  scientists including one Nobel Prize Laureate has participated the iChEM Fellow System.


One of the four member institutes, Xiamen University, is focusing on building up a team of postdoctoral researchers that are served as the main source of future faculty staff. The Xiamen City is a major city on the southeast coast of China, and routinely ranked among the top of “most suitable cities for living” in China. Sitting at the foot of a mountain where the Xiamen’s Botanic Garden is located, surrounded by the Xiamen’s Bay with easy access to the beach, adorned with Chinese traditional style buildings, tranquil lakes and tropical plants, Xiamen University is boasted by the Chinese netizen as the most beautiful campus in China. The university has made significant investment to improve a range of onsite facilities including accomodation to attract young talented researchers to work in Xiamen.


The postdoctoral positions are open for application worldwide on a rolling basis. There are two levels of positions, i.e. the iChEM Fellow and iChEM postdoctoral researcher, depending on experience and competence. The iChEM center sincerely welcomes early career researchers to join the team!

1. Application Requirements

1)     38 years old or under and Ph.D. Degree in related fields received in last three years.

2)     Excellent oral and written communication skills in Chinese/English, and capability of working both in a team and independently.

3)     Research experience in relevant areas and research plan aligned with at least one of priority themes of the center.

2. Priority research themes

1)      Optimal Utilization of Carbon Resources

2)      Chemical Energy Storage and Conversion

3)      Solar Energy Conversion and Technology Transfer

4)      New Energy Materials

5)      Characterization of Energy Systems

6)      X-Researches (new functional materials; reaction dynamics; energy conversion during the course of life; exploratory researches that have potential to generate long-term impacts)


3. Application Materials

1)      Curriculum vitae

2)      Personal statement that introduces educational and research background and demonstrates research ability and potential.

3)      Research plan (collaborative projects involving two or more member institutes are particularly encouraged).

4)      2-3 recommendation letters from Ph.D. supervisors and/or postdoc advisors, etc.

5)      Copies of academic degrees, representative achievements such as publications, passports/identity cards and other materials helpful for the application.


4. Benefits and Policy Support

1)     The salary for iChEM postdocs varies depending on competence and qualification. For iChEM Postdoctoral Researcher, the gross salary is no less than 170,000 RMB per annum. Excellent candidates will be selected as iChEM Fellows, and for excellent fellows, their gross salary can be as high as 300,000 RMB per annum or more;

2)     Temporary apartments provided or alternatively rental allowance offered;

3)     The children of iChEM postdocs can enjoy the high-standard university kindergartens/schools, a privilege usually only offered to the university faculty staff.

4)     Outstanding iChEM postdocs have the opportunity of joining the faculty of Xiamen University.


5. Contact Information

Please submit your application materials by email (2011-ic-chem@xmu.edu.cn) under the subject title of "To apply for iChEM Fellow…" or “To apply for iChEM Postdoctoral Researcher…”


Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM)

December 12, 2016

