




1)求职信台头为 “Dear Sir/Madam”“Dear Professor”等等,连我是谁都不知道说明申请人并无真诚愿望和我共事。
2)求职信/简历中有低级错误(例如将“clinical trial”写为“clinical trail”),这点小事都做不好/不愿做,如何相信申请人能够胜任复杂的研究。

最通用的还是 “Dr. X”,男女都适用,但对方必须有相应学位(MD, PHD,DSc等)。有些研究卫生学的老板可能只有 MPH (Master of Public Health),不要称 “Dr. X”。
美国很多学者只用 Mac。申请职位如果有附件,建议先给用 Mac 的朋友试发,看看能否打开,打开后格式是否正确。


申请 postdoc 要在在众多求职者中脱颍而出,您的简历需要在20秒钟内抓住导师的注意力。做不到这一点,您的申请函命运就是垃圾箱。

要做到这一点,简历必须有明确的“卖点”。请大家原谅我的用词,不过申请博士后过程中您所做的工作目的就是推销自己。您的“卖点” 必须有100%的可信度,需要有足够佐证。


另外,千万不要胡乱拼凑一堆 “technical expertise”。我曾经收到一些申请者 CV 中 “technical expertise” 包括药理学、神经科学的几乎所有手段,还有分子生物学和生物化学中常用手段,统计处理等等等等。可信度差不说,导师没法知道您到底能做什么。我的建议:把这个栏目下的内容归类,写清你能建立哪些导师实验室没有的技术,哪些技术你没有能力建立但能独立完成,哪些技术你有一定经验能在指导下短期内掌握,那些你有理论基础能在系统培训后开始运用。


您说自己有 “excellent communication skills”,证据在哪儿?唯一的证据是简历和求职信,如果这2份文件简练、流畅,您也就完全没有必要说了!这2份文件写的不通顺,鬼才相信你的 “communication skills”,连带您其它的自我评价可信度打大折扣。

您说自己有 “teamwork spirit”, 证据在哪儿?简历、求职信和后续的联系中真正表现出您为现在所在的团队着想(比如,把手上的工作有个交代才能赴美)才能让人相信您的“teamwork spirit”。

征得作者同意,下面对 John Smith 申请博士后的 cv 和 cover letter(所有姓名均为化名;论文保留发表杂志和年份,省略期、卷)进行公开讨论,希望大家提供指出文件中缺点、错误,并提出修改建议(越详细越好),同时也相信同学们能在讨论中有所收获。



2002, 4 - 2006, 3 Ph.D., Advised by Prof. A. Sakura, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Japan Project Title: Roles of lipid rafts and ganglioside GM1 in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? Established high-metastatic sublines by repeatedly injecting Lewis lung carcinoma (P29) into C57BL/6 mice with i.v. or s.c. injection
? Found that integrins seemed to be enriched in the GEM/rafts by reduced GM1 levels, and subsequently MMP-9 was recruited to the GEM/rafts, resulting in its efficient secretion and activation, and eventually in the increased invasion and metastatic potentials in the high-metastatic cells.

1996, 4 - 1999, 3 Master of Agriculture, Advised by Prof. B. Sakura, Gifu University School of Agriculture, Japan
Project Title: Effects of casein or ovomucin on cholesterol metabolism in rats and Caco-2 cells
? Designed a lipid metabolism model in rats and a cholesterol absorption model in Caco-2 cells
? Found that egg ovomucin could attenuate hypercholesterolemia in rats and inhibits cholesterol absorption in Caco-2 cells.

1988, 9 - 1993, 7 Medical Doctor, TianJin Medical University, china


2006, 4 - Present   Research Fellow Department of Biochemistry II Nagoya University School of Medicine, Japan
Project Title: Identify molecules and elucidate the mechanisms involved in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? Trying to identify the novel metastasis-associated genes using gene-chip approach with high-metastatic sublines and parent lines.
? Analyze the regulation of ganglioside GM1 on VEGF-A expression in lymphatic metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma.
? Analyze the interaction of integrins and Rho activity associated molecules in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma.
? Supervise the research programs of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

? Genetic engineering: DNA and RNA extraction, Library manufacture, plasmid transfection, northern and western blotting, RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR, establishment of cell lines, etc.
? Animal experiment: i.v. and s.c. injection, establishment of animal model.
? Protein engineering: extraction and the refinement of protein, chromatography, coimmunoprecipitation, ELISA, DNA microarray, immunofluorescence, etc.
? The others: flow cytometric analysis, gelatin zymography, MTT assay, matrigel invasion assay, extraction and analysis of gangliosides, etc.

Research interest
? Mechanisms in metastasis of cancer
? Genetic therapy of cancer

Awards and Honors
? 1997 – 1999, Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (Gifu University School of Agriculture)
? 2003 – 2006, Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship Award (Nagoya University School of Medicine)

? 2007, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Young Researcher B, Japan, $30,000 For a research project: the interaction of integrins and Rho activity associated molecules in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? 2006, The Open Clusters Program of Nature COE, $5,000 For a research project: Identify molecules and elucidate the mechanisms involved in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma

1. --- Genetic mechanisms for the synthesis of fucosyl GM1 in small cell lung cancer cell lines. Glycobiology. 2006 ---
2. --- Down-regulation of caveolin-1 in mouse Lewis lung cancer P29 is a causal factor for the malignant properties in a high-metastatic subline. Oncol Rep. 2006 ---
3. --- Metastatic Potential of Mouse Lewis Lung Cancer Cells Is Regulated via Ganglioside GM1 by Modulating the Matrix Metalloprotease-9 Localization in Lipid Rafts. J Biol Chem. 2006 ---.
4. --- Mechanisms for the apoptosis of small cell lung cancer cells induced by anti-GD2 monoclonal antibodies: roles of anoikis. J Biol Chem. 2005 ---.
5. --- Egg ovomucin attenuates hypercholesterolemia in rats and inhibits cholesterol absorption in Caco-2 cells. Lipids 2002 ---.

Cover Letter:

Dear Dr. ,

Would you forgive me to suddenly send this E-mail to you?
I am now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, from which I graduated in Apr. of 2006. In the department, I studied on the mechanisms of cancer metastasis using a mouse Lewis lung cancer with focus on the roles of ganglioside GM1 under supervision of Professor A. Sakura. In this study, I could demonstrate the role of GM1 to suppress cancer metastasis by dispersing integrins from lipid rafts and consequently suppress the secretion of MMP-9. This study could be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (Smith. et al: J. Biol. Chem. ---, 2006). Then, I have studied on the identification of essential molecules in cancer metastasis by using DNA array, and have already found very interesting molecules that show marked up-regulation in the high metastatic sublines of Lewis lung cancer.
Now, I hope to study more about the mechanisms of cancer metastasis in the United States. Furthermore, I would also learn about the development of new cancer therapy utilizing these findings for the application in clinical fields. If possible, I would like to work in your laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. As shown in my bibliography, I have learned variety of technologies on cell biology, biochemistry and immunology. I am also very eager to learn new techniques needed in the new projects. So, I would very much appreciate if you would consider about me to accept as a postdoctoral fellow.
Please find my resume enclosed. It will provide you with details relevant to my experience and education. The attachment is in Acrobat PDF format, so if you have any problem in opening it, please let me know and I can send you a hard copy.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

John Smith

3)简历起的作用应该是展现你的研究成果,而不是你研究经历的简单罗列。描述研究项目应该从高处着眼,低处着手,研究方法的描述尽量用非专业术语表达,研究结果的科学意义必须表达清楚。John Smith 的简历在这方面需要改进。

下面是我对简历的一些具体评注,供 John Smith 参考,也希望大家评判:

2002, 4 - 2006, 3 Ph.D., Advised by Prof. A. Sakura, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Japan
Project Title: Roles of lipid rafts and ganglioside GM1 in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? Established high-metastatic sublines by repeatedly injecting Lewis lung carcinoma (P29) into C57BL/6 mice with i.v. or s.c. injection

Comment: What are these sublines? What are the mothods for model establishment? Are these mice susceptible to metastasis because of a inheritable deficiency?

? Found that integrins seemed to be enriched in the GEM/rafts by reduced GM1 levels, and subsequently MMP-9 was recruited to the GEM/rafts, resulting in its efficient secretion and activation, and eventually in the increased invasion and metastatic potentials in the high-metastatic cells.

Comment: What are GEM and MMP-9? Why does activation of MMP-9 increase metastasis. Do not assume that others will understand if you are discussing specific issues, unless your know for certain that the recipient of this letter understands it. Also, you need to have a few words on the significance of this study.

1996, 4 - 1999, 3 Master of Agriculture, Advised by Prof. B. Sakura, Gifu University School of Agriculture, Japan
Project Title: Effects of casein or ovomucin on cholesterol metabolism in rats and Caco-2 cells
? Designed a lipid metabolism model in rats and a cholesterol absorption model in Caco-2 cells
? Found that egg ovomucin could attenuate hypercholesterolemia in rats and inhibits cholesterol absorption in Caco-2 cells.

Comment: What is the significance of these findings?

1988, 9 - 1993, 7 Medical Doctor, TianJin Medical University, china

2006, 4 - Present   Research Fellow Department of Biochemistry II Nagoya University School of Medicine, Japan
Project Title: Identify molecules and elucidate the mechanisms involved in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? Trying to identify the novel metastasis-associated genes using gene-chip approach with high-metastatic sublines and parent lines.
? Analyze the regulation of ganglioside GM1 on VEGF-A expression in lymphatic metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma.
? Analyze the interaction of integrins and Rho activity associated molecules in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma.
? Supervise the research programs of undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Comment: What are the results of your research? Simply describing what you did is not sufficient. You must describe your achievement.

Comment: What did you do between 1993-1996, and 1999-2002. You must tell!

? Genetic engineering: DNA and RNA extraction, Library manufacture, plasmid transfection, northern and western blotting, RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR, establishment of cell lines, etc.
? Animal experiment: i.v. and s.c. injection, establishment of animal model.
Comment: “establishment of animal model” is too broad. Specify.
? Protein engineering: extraction and the refinement of protein, chromatography, coimmunoprecipitation, ELISA, DNA microarray, immunofluorescence, etc.

Comment: I could not see protein engineering as a part of your research projects. Describe how.

? The others: flow cytometric analysis, gelatin zymography, MTT assay, matrigel invasion assay, extraction and analysis of gangliosides, etc.

Comment: What is MTT assay? I might be ignorant, but others could be as well! Use only abbreviations everyone understands.

Research interest
? Mechanisms in metastasis of cancer
? Genetic therapy of cancer

Comment: If someone reaches this point of your cv, he/she already knows your interest. Delete, or move to the front.

Awards and Honors
? 1997 – 1999, Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students
        (Gifu University School of Agriculture)
? 2003 – 2006, Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship Award
(Nagoya University School of Medicine)


Comment: You need to make sure there is no typo (grand for grant) or gramatical error in this document!

? 2007, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Young Researcher B, Japan, $30,000
 For a research project: the interaction of integrins and Rho activity associated molecules in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
? 2006, The Open Clusters Program of Nature COE, $5,000
For a research project: Identify molecules and elucidate the mechanisms involved in metastasis of Lewis lung cancinoma
1. --- Genetic mechanisms for the synthesis of fucosyl GM1 in small cell lung cancer cell lines. Glycobiology. 2006 ---
2. --- Down-regulation of caveolin-1 in mouse Lewis lung cancer P29 is a causal factor for the malignant properties in a high-metastatic subline. Oncol Rep. 2006 ---
3. --- Metastatic Potential of Mouse Lewis Lung Cancer Cells Is Regulated via Ganglioside GM1 by Modulating the Matrix Metalloprotease-9 Localization in Lipid Rafts. J Biol Chem. 2006 ---.
4. --- Mechanisms for the apoptosis of small cell lung cancer cells induced by anti-GD2 monoclonal antibodies: roles of anoikis. J Biol Chem. 2005 ---.
5. --- Egg ovomucin attenuates hypercholesterolemia in rats and inhibits cholesterol absorption in Caco-2 cells. Lipids 2002 ---.

General Comment:

If you decide to include description of research projects in your cv, you must describe them in a way that is easily understandable (what you did, why you did it, and what is the significance). The best way to describe your lab skills is to incorporate them in project description (if you have such a section).

Dear Dr. ,

Would you forgive me to suddenly send this E-mail to you?

Comment: Do not start your letter with a question. Start your letter with the purpose of this letter. Example: I am writing to explore the possibility of a post-doc ------

I am now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biochemistry at Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, from which I graduated in Apr. of 2006. In the department, I studied on the mechanisms of cancer metastasis using a mouse Lewis lung cancer with focus on the roles of ganglioside GM1 under supervision of Professor A. Sakura. In this study, I could demonstrate the role of GM1 to suppress cancer metastasis by dispersing integrins from lipid rafts and consequently suppress the secretion of MMP-9. This study could be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (Smith. et al: J. Biol. Chem. ---, 2006).

Comment: Use past tense when describing completed projects. Example: I demonstrated ----- The results of this study were published in -----

Then, I have studied on the identification of essential molecules in cancer metastasis by using DNA array, and have already found very interesting molecules that show marked up-regulation in the high metastatic sublines of Lewis lung cancer.

Comment: why are up-reulated molecules “very intersting”? Do not make self-flattering comments such as these unless you could substantiate your claims (with functional assay)?

Now, I hope to study more about the mechanisms of cancer metastasis in the United States. Furthermore, I would also learn about the development of new cancer therapy utilizing these findings for the application in clinical fields. If possible, I would like to work in your laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. As shown in my bibliography, I have learned variety of technologies on cell biology, biochemistry and immunology. I am also very eager to learn new techniques needed in the new projects. So, I would very much appreciate if you would consider about me to accept as a postdoctoral fellow.

Comment: I would simply say I would like to be considered for ----- There is no need to give a reason.

Please find my resume enclosed.

Comment: mention your resume in the beginning of this letter (right after the very first sentence).

It will provide you with details relevant to my experience and education.

Comment: delete this sentence. Nobody likes preaching.

The attachment is in Acrobat PDF format, so if you have any problem in opening it, please let me know and I can send you a hard copy.

Comment: simply use pdf to lable the document. Also, I have never heard anyone having trouble with PDF. You do not have to say “if you have any problem ---“

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

John Smith

General comment: this letter is too long. It wastes time. Delete all words/sentences/paragraphs if they are not essential to converying the idea: I want a job!! The content of this letter should be, in my opinion, limited to: 1) what you want; 2) who you are; 3) what your major accomplishements are.







张老师答复:1)您在国内工作期间发表的文章对申请绿卡会有帮助。2)您在国内的工作对在美国申请基金可能有帮助,但很有限。要在美国申请基金前提是必须得到单位的许可和支持(sponsor)。一般基金要求申请人必须持有 Instructor 或 Research Assistant Professor 以上的职务,博士后能够申请的只能是 training grant。当然,作为博士后能得到 training grant 是一件很不容易的事,对您事业发展会有极大帮助。


张:申请visiting scholar或者博士后不需要托福/GRE成绩。据我所知,其他国家同样不需要考试成绩。
“什么样的经历最能吸引导师?” 导师最需要的经历。我博士毕业后能在哈佛大学医学院找到博后机会是因为:我的导师研究药理,想发展细胞传导方面研究,而我正好有传统药理和细胞传导2方面经历。当然抓住这种机会需要一定眼光,另外需要机遇。


张:行医是中国医学院毕业生在在美国最稳妥的选择。我的大学同学里有几十人在美国行医,第1年甚至第2年没有match上的有,但没有一位真正努力做不成的。这是否有代表意义我不敢妄言,大家需要根据自己的情况判断(可以参考 ECFMG 网站里的信息)。做科研的同学里真正能找到大学里教职的也有,但不是多数人能够做到的,即使找到了,继续有风险。





2)对自己研究成果社会意义的反思。我事业发展过程中有一段时期自我感觉很好(2001-2005),那段时间发表了不少文章,赢得了学术界同行的关注和好评,我的研究前后得到了美国政府、私立医学基金会、制药公司的 8 项资助,一项专利进入临床试验阶段。过了这个兴奋期,比较客观的评价自己,得出了结论是:我是一个好的 scientist,但不是一个出类拔萃的 scientist。由此引出更深层的思考:自己的研究工作到底有多少价值?思考的结果是:很有限,研究成果(专利)证实没有临床意义(明显疗效),发表的文章也就呆在图书馆里睡觉。当然,我并非建议大家妄自菲薄,科学的发展建立在无数失败的基础上。

3)现实考虑。美国陷入伊拉克战争后,政府对科学研究资助力度越来越小,制药行业研发也有较大的变动。这些因素导致申请基金难度越来越大,首当其冲的就是我这样的小字辈。我的实验室能否在未来的 5-10 年保持良好发展势头,甚至能否生存下去,我没有答案。

